Time for the first in a series of monthly round-ups as we go into December.
Steve Waite has been busy as usual, noting 4 coots down at the lakes, as well as a Cetti’s Warbler. Steve’s site, Axe Birding, is a must-read for anyone with an interest in birding (or moths for that matter) around the Axe Valley.
Also around Colyford recently was the Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Steve was also involved but this was initially spotted by Phil Abbott). See the discussion at BirdForum by Martin Garner, apparently it’s still around.
Only slightly further afield according to @Rarevine there was a Glossy Ibis in the Otter estuary here in Devon too.
Lower Bruckland specific news: despite this cold, cold weather, our intrepid team of photographers (okay, that’s an exaggeration) have been out and about taking snaps of the lakes and their icy surroundings, we hope to have some of these uploaded soon. Just in case anyone does brave it in the sub-zero temperatures, for legal and general well-being reasons be careful near the waters’ edge!