It may still be mild, but some of the birds certainly know we are heading towards winter. During this month all five species of wintering thrush have been recorded at the Ponds. Blackbirds and Song Thrush most regularly, along with flocks of Redwings and Fieldfares that often just drop in briefly before moving on, and on the last day of the month two Mistle Thrush that nicely completed the set.
Warbler numbers have dropped as expected, but there are still a couple of Chiffchaffs in the bushes, and on the 11th a Cetti’s Warbler was heard and seen well.
It’s been a very productive month for bird ringing at the Ponds, with 56 birds trapped and ringed. On the first of the month an impressive 27 Long-tailed Tits were ringed (four different flocks), including one showing an unusual pale claw! Also in this session, and three others during the month, highlights included a Treecreeper, a Coal Tit, a Grey Wagtail and biggest of all a Mute Swan!
A small team from Abbotsbury Swannery came over to help with the capture, ringing and inspection of the female Mute Swan of the resident pair. It was hoped both birds would be caught and fitted with uniquely lettered colour-rings so they can be identified as an individual forever, but at the moment it’s one down one to go…
Thanks to Steve for the November birding news — check out photos and more on the Lower Bruckland Facebook page (and please give us a like)!